Got this from Pro Team Breakaway Member Deon Hunter.

I have been targeting a tiger shark for a while now, and Friday night I got him! A male Tiger shark 10 feet 2 inches, thank you Lord.

I was using the Breakaway HDX 13 foot acid wrap with a low reel seat. The real was avid 50 wide, 100 lb jb hollow core braid, the hook was a 20/0 eagle claw circle hook and the bait was a Cownose Ray.

It took me 1 hr and 45 min to land this tiger and the HDX handled it with ease.
The photo is not that great , my main concern was too see him released safely as I was by myself.

What an awesome experience!

Great report and well done Deon. Its not many rods that I know off that have recorded casts of over 750ft and have landed a pluss 10ft Tiger Shark. Thanks Deon for your support. Regards Nickaway

10ft 2in Tiger caught on HDX T Butt Acid wrap.

Tiger Shark by Deon Hunter














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