Wind is easing but we still have a lot of surf with 7 sets plus at 7ft. Water has not been so high and no signs of new weed. Driving is still bad. Current condition: Wind SE 15 to 20 Water Clarity 4-5 Driving 4.
With the fishing being tough at the moment my friends were looking for somewhere to fish on Sunday. I told them to go to Nighthawk which is on the bay side of the Island as Sunday the water was high and beach driving at best would have been tough and the Gulf would have been un-fishable with the children, the high water made it hard to fish Nighthawk as well so they decided to go to Packery. Ben and Lee sporting the latest in Breakaway short rods 7.5ft and the children using 3ft Daiwa Triforce with closed face reels on. The adults where casting into the middle of Packery working lures and live bait, the children cast maybe five yards using dead shrimp. You know what happened; the kids caught all the fish. Grace landed this nice Flounder.
Grace Leeson and her Packery Caught Flounder.
Point: “Its better to put a bad bit of bait where the fish are than a good bit where they are not”. Great fishing Grace.
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