Driving has gotten a lot softer but is still O.K. Let’s call it a 6 out of 10. It appears to me the total reason for the poor driving is a LOT of vehicular traffic during the past week.
Sargassum is sporadic along the entire beach front. Some places are not fishable at all while others are O.K. Water color is excellent.
In the past week the Dusky Anchovies have disappeared and with them at least 1/3rd. of the fish eating bird species. In my opinion this is not migration but simply following the schools of bait during a layover in migration on PINS. Good Curlew and Marbled Godwit numbers as well as Piping Plover.
We only fished lures and between 3 people, we managed to catch 10 trout and 2 reds.
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