Wind kicked in from the North east during the night aggravating the water again. Clarity dropped and wave height increased.  Yesterday evening around 5pm the water in Packery  was really good, everything was settling down nice. I was working lures on the inside and outside of the south jetty when I noticed people running off the north jetty. I could see Bob ignoring the people running past him so I was not too concerned.  Then I noticed a couple of bees landed on me and a load of other bugs.

I started to move to my truck just as they really started to get thick.  Bob just kept on fishing; I was thinking he must have tougher skin than I. About an hour latter I got a text from him saying he got stung twice once behind the glasses on his eye and on his neck. The north wind had pushed all the bugs offshore and as the wind dropped they were able to come back to land. The conditions did improve quickly when the wind dropped yesterday and Snags caught a load of Reds and Trout at Packery.  We have a high coming this way so hopefully will get some settling of the weather shortly.  Here are a couple of pictures from today.

Regards Nickaway


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