Title Description Cost
Backcasting and Fishing for Pompano Texas has a renowned winter Pompano fishery and this new DVD ‘Backcasting and Fishing for Pompano’ shows you the best ways in targeting this highly demanded species. Join Nick Meyer as he educates you on improving your casting and fishing techniques while targeting Pompano along the Texas Coast. $21.95
Fishing for Reds and Reading the Surf In this video, Fishing for Redfish and Reading the Surf, we explain how to read the water which is the secret to catching fish. Knowing were the fish are is clearly explained. Bait presentation, equipment and casting techniques will provide valuable information for the seasoned fishermen and the beginner. A classic Nick Meyer – Breakaway Tackle video. $19.95
Long Distance Fishing with Nick Meyer This video has out sold all others when it comes to putting the bait or lure were the fish are. In Breakaway’s #1 selling video of all time, this DVD covers all you will need with Rods, Reels, Casting Techniques and Rigs. A must have for any Surf Fisherman. $19.95
Bowfishing for Gar Texas bowfishing guide Christopher Streetman takes you on an adventure through the bayou country of southern Texas to show you how bowfishing for gar happens. Packed with great action footage, this dvd delivers an exciting evening on the television. Confront these pre-historic monsters and get your DVD today!! $19.95